6 May 2013



As I sit down to write this inaugural column, which will become a (semi)regular feature, I am left puzzling as to what exactly to write about.

There is a plethora of topics rattling around my head, from the new Trek movie to Superman to Dr Who. All are topics that would fit the aesthetic of this blog, and all which will no doubt feature heavily in future columns. There was also the temptation to use this first edition of "Slightly Irrelevant" to slip in an under the table review of a movie or comic book story. But, no! So, the question then becomes: "what should I write about"?

That's when it hits me. The title. The title of this column is, in case you missed it, "Slightly Irrelevant" and is taken from the autobiography I was going to pen many moons ago as an anti-pointless celebratory autobiography piss take. This was in the days when, and I have not noticed so much these days but I'm sure it still happening, "celebs" of a young(ish) age would produce their life story (no doubt a publishers cash cow) when they had not really accomplished much and still had a lot of their career in front of them. So, I've decided to make 001 of "Slightly Irrelevant" autobiographical in nature.

Now, when I say "autobiographical" I'm not going to go back to the start of my life and chronicle the journey that has got me here. No, I'm going to talk instead about the "life" of my blog, "The Daily Planet Review Section".

The plan was always to write a blog that chronicled my dull arse, "normal", life. It was going to be about life, love and loss. But I found that I really could not be bothered doing a blog like that, it was not me. So, being a lover of movies, TV and comics I settled on a blog that would give my opinions on all those topics. "The Daily Planet Review Section" was going to be the place to go for op-ed pieces on all matters comics (slightly skewed toward DC as I'm an DC man and don't Make Mine Marvel), reviews of movies past and present and looks at future releases, and I was going to discuss my favourite TV shows. Sadly, I did not expect life to get in the way.

Work started to take up more and more of my time until in the end I found that the blog had evolved beyond it's remit and features such as "Hot Tuesdays" sprung up or photo's/video's would be posted with no opinion's on them as I was just too tired to do anything more. But, evolution is good and it needs to be embraced.

I find myself now doing more than just posting pictures of half naked hot women and I have started rejigging features to give more than just pictures and give my general thoughts. It is a process that is going slowly, and will take time, but I'm sure it will be worth it in the end and help me grow as a writer/blogger. Which is what I wanted, deep down, when I started this blog in the first place. I'm not saying that every post will have a written element to it, I'm human and still get burned out after a day of work and will have other priorities that are more pressing in my life. But, but... I want to evolve as a writer and I want to make this blog better for however long it carries on for.

Evolution is good and needs to be embraced.

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