24 November 2013



I've never really known what I wanted to do with my life. The "career" I am in now was definitely not on the list growing up, when I fancied being a writer. Well, this is not strictly true. I have always wanted to play The Doctor. I have no inclination to want to be an actor. None at all, not even of the am dram variety. That is unless I get to perform as The Doctor.

I came to The Doctor around his twentieth year, Peter Davidson being my Doctor, and from then I was hooked. My imagine was given free reign to run wild. I would pretend that the wardrobe in my bedroom was the TARDIS and my desk the control panel. For far too long I dreamed of playing The Doctor, even now in my middling thirties. The part of me that wants to be a writer dreams of writing Superman or Batman or Wonder Woman but my dream job would be to fly around space and time battling all manners of monster as The Doctor. How would that job (not that they would need to pay me) not be the coolest gig ever?

Hell, I think about what my Doctor would be like all the time whether it is in the shower, on the train lost in music or in that twilight period between awake and asleep.

My Doctor's look would take a bit from every previous incarnation. First - shirt; Second - braces; Third - trousers; Fourth - scarf; Fifth - trainers; Sixth - cat pin; Seventh - handkerchief; Eighth - jacket; Ninth - leather strap; Tenth - crew cut; Eleventh - glasses; and Twelfth - bow tie. I would even explain my accent away by having my regeneration take place in Cardiff over the rift.  My Doctor would be grumpy and sarcastic yet playful, with just a hint of Columbo to him. As for the interior to my TARDIS, I always quite like the control room for the 1996 TV movie, but after seeing the "War" Doctors I want that one (with the control panel from Matt Smith's first two seasons) with a the nice big leather armchair from the McGann TARDIS.

See, too much thought has already gone into this and the adventures I would have with my companions (two for me, both female).

Here is the thing, for all my love of the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight, it is the Time Lord from Gallifrey with his magical box that has always been my one true hero.

I had no more to do with the fiftieth anniversary than to be a fan and get transported to nerdvana. But, I hope to be somehow involved in the seventy-fifth anniversary (I'll be 58 by then) as one of The Doctor's. We can all dream, ay?

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