31 July 2014

With the Guardians of the Galaxy opening this week Marvel have expanded their superhero franchise into a galaxy far, far away. Warner Bros. had the opportunity to pioneer this superhero setting a few years ago when they made Green Lantern and failed, miserably, by not being adventurous enough and lumbering Earth with the majority of the setting for the film.

Green Lantern is essentially a space cop with superhero trappings and is a rather unique franchise. Whilst I am not a huge fan, I appreciate that this is one of the jewels in the DC crown and that it deserves to be done right.

So, this month, I am going to pitch how I would go about dealing with the cinematic future of the Green Lantern franchise.

Which Green Lantern?

In this new movie we are going to have to steer away from recasting Hal Jordan and into a different direction. Luckily there is more than one human Green Lantern to choose from.

Whilst Kyle Rayner is my favourite Green Lantern, for this cinematic outing I would pick John Stewart. Not on a diversity level but because of the brand recognition stemming from the animated Justice League/Justice League Unlimited series. One wonders why they didn't go for Stewart in the first place, but we can be thankful the character has not been tainted by the original movie.

The Pitch

The movie opens with Hal Jordan in a balls to the wall brawl with the Green Lantern Corps who believe he has betrayed them and turned to the dark side. Briefly winning the battle, Hal retreats to Earth injured and on arrival tells his ring to find someone worthy. The ring finds John Stewart and transports him to Oa. Whilst on Oa, Stewart is met with suspicion by other corp members given the events surrounding the other human Green Lantern. Stewart is, however, taken under Sinestro's wing and the movie follows the events of Green Lantern: First Flight. After the events of the film it is revealed that Sinestro in fact framed Hal  and we cut back to Earth where Jordan is greeted by John, Kilowog and Tomar-Re who invite him back into the Green Lantern Corps.


Mark Strong has to stay as Sinestro. The return of Geoffrey Rush as Tomar Re would be nice, as would Dennis Haysbert taking over from the late Michael Clarke Duncan as Kilowog. But for the main character, John Stewart, I would go with Will Smith. The reason for this choice being that the the film would benefit for a bigger name actor to get the punters in who were put off by the first movie in, plus it would also be a character that would suit Smith.


I would keep the relative look of the first movie, naturally tweaked to the new directors vision. I, personally, never had the problem with the look of Green Lantern's costume, save for the mask, and think it could carry over. However, the mask would have to be replaced with green eyes for Stewart.

Make it a sequel and a reboot

By including Hal, and referencing the first movie, you make it a sequel but by introducing John Stewart as the lead and taking the adventure into space you are then taking the characters and franchise in a new direction.

The future of the franchise

By making it a sequel and a reboot, and by redeeming Hal, it creates an opportunity to have a the more recognisable (beyond comics) Stewart as part of the Justice League franchise whilst sending Jordan into space to anchor the newly created Green Lantern Corps franchise.

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