25 August 2014

Hit the jump to read my thoughts on some random subjects. I try and avoid them, but there may be SPOILERS.


Does this class as meta? Possibly. Anyway, I'm getting a bit poor at doing this feature on a monthly basis for a variety of reasons. I mean to do it, but.... The point is this: from now on the aim is to do this on a bi-monthly basis either on specialist subjects or random thoughts. Bi-monthly will mean that, whilst there'll be a deadline, I can take more time to get the feature done.


First off, GotG is head and shoulders the best movie released from Marvel Studio's. However, I had a few problems with the film: dialogue could have been polished, better character development, Groot sprouting powers as the plot dictated, weak ass villain, cliched. I was also put off by how sweet/saccharine it was, frankly I hated the friendship saves the day defeat of the ultimately forgettable bad guy. The main damning feature for me was it made me look forward to Star Wars VII, a different franchise, rather than the sequel to this flick. I will say, though, there is enough wit and charm in this movie that makes it a hellova lot of fun.


I am already loving his take. Whilst it seems that this Doctor is still not fully formed at the end of the first episode, Capaldi brings an edge to the Doctor, and an arrogance, whilst still retaining the sparkle and wit that seems to have been inherent of the character since Troughton. I look forward to seeing where he and the writers take the character as the 12th Doctor evolves of the course of the season.


That's the rumour. If (and this is a massive if) that would mean the House of the Mouse would add DC, Harry Potter and The Looney Tunes, amongst others, to their stable of franchises (Star Wars, Marvel). This could give DC a massive boost in getting their movies off the ground. I would hope, however, that they keep Marvel and DC as separate entities if this scenario ever comes to pass. Though a Pixar Metal Men could be ace. It seems a very long shot that this will come to pass though.


So, it leaked and I hate myself from trawling the interweb to watch it. However, I did watch it and I loved it. Less a pilot than a very strong first episode. Gustin is extremely well cast, as are the supporting characters. The villain, in that very Arrow way, felt weak and underdeveloped beyond the "we need a villain". There are some great easter eggs and an interesting cliffhanger ending. I look forward to seeing how this show develops.


Well, the Gal Gadot version has now been revealed. First off, on a purely male level, Ms Gadot looks stunning. As a fan of the character I loved the costume. Yeah, I can see where the "Xena" jibes from certain quarters came from but I find the costume manages to retain the iconic nature of the comics whilst translating into a badass movie version. Plus, this is just a (cool as) still, what will it look like in movement? Folks on the interweb can be quick to judge. My problem with the whole thing is this: Wonder Woman is the biggest female superhero ever so why is she getting what seems to be a glorified cameo in a prequel to a movie where she'll be one of (at least) five other characters? Why are characters like Shazam! or Aquaman seemingly higher up in the DC/WB movie adaptation agenda than Wonder Woman? Marvel seems reluctant to put out a female based superhero movie, though they do not have a character to match the stature of Wonder Woman (though the popularity of Black Widow makes this intriguing). Maybe it's because for every Katniss there is a Catwoman and Electra. The time is ripe for a female lead superhero flick, Marvel are surprisingly floundering in this area, so it is time for DC/WB to balls up and give us a solo Wonder Woman movie. All the World is waiting for her!


Okay, this is a UK-centric issue. Channel 5 has bought some good series (Castle, Person of Interest) but after the first season or two they then seem to throw them all over the schedule and you can usually find them (if you can be bothered to look) at about 23:45ish on Saturday night on 5USA. I hope that this isn't the ultimate fate of Gotham but I would not be surprised. 

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