27 July 2013



Wow. Just... wow!

To say I am excited is a mighty understatement. Superman and Batman in a movie together. Yeah, okay, we have almost been here before, so I am trying to temper my emotions (Spock style) but I really can't. These are my two favourite heroes EVER and they are going to be in a movie together!

From initial reports I am confused, however. Snyder, Goyer, Cavill, Fishburne, Lane and Adams are all back for this movie which begs the question: is this a sequel to Man of Steel?

If it is, cool way to subvert expectations if they, assumption engaged, they make Batman the "villain" rather than the expected Lex Luthor. Though, again with the assuming, you would expect Superman and Batman to ultimately team up to take down the villain. The quote read by Henry Lennix at the panel would seem to support the antagonistic approach to the relationship between the two characters. The Frank Miller approach is, however, what worries me. I don't like Batman and Superman having an almost frenemy relationship. Though that is not to say I want to see the Jeph Loeb bromance on screen.

My concern is that if it is Superman vs Batman (or vice versa). Lets be honest, Freddy vs Jason nor AvP were any good beyond the concept and seeing the two franchises share the screen. One would have to assume, however, that the film would start as Batman and Superman being enemies before ultimately teaming up to take on the real threat.

If you put me and my friends into a room and introduced a stranger I am sure they would wonder why, given our different interests/personalities/attitudes we are friends. This is the point. Two people are different yet there is something at the core of these people that drawers them to each other and then, through their actions, they become friends. This is how it should be with Superman and Batman. These are two very different individuals yet there is something at their core that draw them to each other that makes them great friends. After all, your friends are the people you think of as your equals and your best friends are the people you think of as your betters. Batman and Superman believe each other to be their better.

Now, onto the main question of who will be the Bat? The usual names are going to be bandied around (Gosling/Hammer) or Tatum maybe. I'd hope the filmmakers skewer expectations on this one.

But again: is this a Man of Steel sequel? If so, I am a tad disappointed as it takes something away from the Man of Steel that they feel the Dark Knight is needed in the sequel. Also, I WANT BRAINIAC! Alternatively, if this is a sidequel, what does this mean for an actual sequel? After all, I WANT BRAINIAC!

It is a going to be a long two years. I'll be veering between nervous (have they got it right?) and excited (SUPERMAN/BATMAN!). In the end I just hope I won't be disappointed.

Screw the Avengers, the biggest two comic book characters are going to be in a film together.

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