31 October 2013

28 October 2013

Hit the jump to check out the Ohio State University Marching Band's very cool tribute to Hollywood blockbusters

26 October 2013



I've been a bit stuck lately trying to come up with a top for the third chapter of this rather sporadic column.



Franchises are huge business in the entertainment industry. A character that makes money will be constantly rebooted.

In this new monthly feature I will be casting an imaginary movie utilising actors/actresses previously involved in a franchise.

This month: Van Helsing

18 October 2013

Hit the jump for a look at Arrow's version of Black Canary.
This week has seen the release of DC's solicitations for January 2014. Hit the jump for the pick of the covers.
Dusty Abell, on his Deviantart page, has posted an image that showcases his art on the Superman at 75 animated short. Hit the jump to see the same.

3 October 2013


With Thor: The Dark World due to hit cinema's this month, I thought it would be time to list my top ten, current, favourite superhero movies.