26 October 2013



I've been a bit stuck lately trying to come up with a top for the third chapter of this rather sporadic column.
But then, I was having a discussion with a friend about his favourite superhero which was interesting in that how it has changed over the years and it got me thinking.

When I was growing up I enjoyed all things superhero related be it on TV or film. Particularly, I loved Superman 2 (it had the super fights)* and "camp" Batman. Outside of TV and film the only access I had to superheroes was reprinted Batman comics that came out on a monthly basis.

These reprinted comics introduced me to a different Batman, a much grimmer Batman. I feel in love and the character become my number one guy, though I got a pleasure in seeing him team-up in stories with the Man of Steel given my love of Superman 2. These were, however, the only time I really had access to Superman comics, so he was rooted in second place.

Though time passed and I started having better access to American comics rather than reprints and I was able to pick up more and more comics featuring different characters. Batman remained number one but Superman started gaining ground.

Through all my reading, however, I have found that I am more drawn to DC characters than I am Marvel** characters.

By my late teens I had become a bit bored of comics and superheroes and I was probably going to stop reading them, only occasionally diving in with trades and graphic novels. Then, like a meta save, Grant Morrison's JLA showed up and brought me back in. I was hooked again.

Over the years Superman has caught up with Batman for the prime spot in my affections and it really just relies on my mood as to who is my favourite. And I still love it when they are in comics together.


* I have since come to the conclusion that Superman: The Movie is a stronger film. And I really hate the additional powers Kal El gets at the end just for plot reasons.

** I have a soft spot for Spider-Man and Captain Britain.

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