13 May 2012


The Proposal - A cliche ridden script which isn't as funny as it wants to believe it is, coupled with a number of under-developed characters. It has Betty White, who is enjoyable as the kooky grandma. Whilst Reynolds and Bullock lack any real chemistry with each other there is enough chemistry between the leads and the audience to make this a satisfying time killer, that you'll forget about as soon as the credits roll. Final Rating: 2.5/5

Tabloid - A fascinating documentary. Joyce McKinney has had a fascinating life that itself seems like it was created by Hollywood. The director seems more interested McKinney herself rather than the looking at the culture of the British "Red Top" that the title suggests. Splitting the story between McKinney and her take on events with the everyone else involved, such as journalists, makes for an intriguing narrative. You tend to feel both fascination for and pity towards McKinney herself. Final Rating: 4/5

The Lake House - An interesting, if silly, premise. This movie lives and dies on the chemistry of the lead actors, and in that respect this film works thanks to the chemistry between Reeves and, always likable, Bullock. Only slightly however. Final Rating: 3/5

FAQ About Time Travel - An amusing script, which deals with the wibbly-wobbliness of time travel. Not as funny as it aspires to be. The three leads are likable, but wastes Anna Faris. It feels less like a film and more of a TV movie, not that that is a wholly bad thing. Final Rating: 3/5

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