21 April 2014

With these two films hitting in the UK within weeks of each other I've combined my "Thoughts On" review of both films. Please note, I will be using acronym*s to differentiate each film.

There are spoilers, so only hit the jump if you want to.


Both are sequels, so here are my brief thoughts of the first movies:-

CA:TFA - Directed by Joe Johnston, who was responsible for one of my favourite comic book movies, this film is a thoroughly enjoyable period superhero piece. Until the point Bucky Barnes dies and then it goes off the rails for a unentertaining third act (only to snap back into place when Steve wakes up). It also, like Thor, carries the burden of not setting up just this franchise but also the joint Avenger franchise and this, in my opinion, hinders the film slightly.

ASM - If the Raimi version owes a debt to Donner's Superman and the Lee/Romita run, then this current Webb version owes a debt to Nolan's Batman and Todd McFarlane. This is also a version of Spider-Man eschewed through the YA, Twilight lens. It is a pretty poor film made up by an impressive lead cast. I enjoy the Raimi version more, but wish it had Garfield, Stone, Field and Sheen.

From the trailers I was looking forward to seeing the Cap sequel more than the Spidey sequel.


To quote Mr Stan Lee "'Nuff Said".


I had nothing against Tobey Maguire's take on our hero, however Garfield captures the character in same way as RDj, Bale and Reeve. The script this time also making his webbed alter ego more likable than the bully he was in the first movie.


It difficult to write the so-called "boy scout" characteristics of Cap. Fair play, the writers did their best making his black and white view of the world as the being out of time rather than going for the cliche fish outta water 40's guy in the 21st Century. However, whilst the writers run with this approach quite well, their problem is Cap is just not an interesting enough character to anchor his own movie. He can work as part of a team but here he was overshadowed by Fury, Pearce and Widow.


This is nothing against Emma Stone, who is cracking in this (and the previous) movie. The problem is with the character itself. Whilst one of the more well-rounded characters in the series, it was hard investing in the character given her fate would no doubt play out on the big screen. It is a shame that we won't see the return of Stone for the threequel.


So, S.H.I.E.L.D was infiltrated and run by Hydra and no longer exists. What does this mean for the TV series given S.H.I.E.L.D is pretty prominent in its title? I doubt they'll go interesting and at least reveal someone on the bus to be a Hydra agent... Oh, they did. Interesting.


First, The Rhino. Brief and pointless with some terrible CGI. Why would Oscorp make Rhino like armour and how does it exactly work with a person in it. I will say, I enjoyed the movie ending with Spidey -- though with a smidge of sacchrine -- in action.

Second, Green Goblin. Whilst the Raimi movies explored the friendship between Peter and Harry, this movie shoehorns a relationship that doesn't quite seem believable. Whilst I buy the mutation caused by the spider venom it is never really explained: has it triggered the illness that father had hence the look? Why would it affect his hairstyle? The Green Goblin (never named in the film) is only really in it five minutes tops and is a deux ex machina as they needed the Goblin involved in the death of Gwen.

Finally, Electro. Yeah, he looks kinda cool and Foxx does a decent job with what he was given. Essentially, Max Dillon falls into a vat of electric eels (which I assume have been mutated in some way because that's just what happens in this movies universe) and gets turned into an electrical being who as he went unnoticed before his transformation likes the attention his new powers bring and is jealous that Spidey is more popular. Apart from one set piece, he overall contributes nothing to the film other being an antagonist to get the movie from point a to point b.


This movie does not feel like it ended and rather than set up strands for a Widow solo, Cap 3 and the S.H.I.E.L.D TV show. Middle movie syndrome.


Since The Matrix brought bullet time to the masses it has, together with slow motion action, been over used. ASM2 doesn't buck this trend. Whilst it allowed for a nice touch in the web turning into a "hand" reaching out to Gwen as she fell, using it in seemingly every action scene was annoying at best.


Whilst it was ultimately revealed to be Widow posing as the unnamed Council member, it was fairly cool for that 20ish seconds to see Augtter kick some arse.


I heard there was going to be an X:DOFP** scene in the credits of ASM2 which was mind boggling given that whilst they are both Marvel properties they are owned by different studios (Sony and Fox). But there it was and it was quite pointless. The scene was absolutely random that gave no indication of what the film is about. They should have just put in a trailer for X:DOPF.


She needs her own movie. Stat. The true highlight of this film and a much more engaging than Steve Rogers.


This may seem nitpicky, but in ASM they tried to distance themselves from the Raimi movies by giving Garfield's Spidey a new costume. Granted it wasn't the best costume. Here they have reverted to the classic suit. Unlike in The Dark Knight where there was an in-story reason for Batman to change his costume there was no such explanation here.


Despite being in the title, in truth the Winter Soldier is not actually the main threat of the movie. The Winter Soldier is underdeveloped and somewhat superfluous to the actual movie. The reveal of his identity came too late in the movie to have any impact on Rogers emotional state.


Webb is at his best in the moments between Peter and Gwen but doesn't quite pull off the action sequences. The script again is at its best when exploring the relationship between Peter and Gwen but is underdeveloped across the rest of the film. Not sure who can be blamed for the absolute silliness that is the subway sequence.


CA:WS - An enjoyable but ultimately boring movie. The third act, like in the first movie, once again falling into utter nonsense distracting from the interesting first two-thirds of the film.

ASM2 - A thoroughly disappointing movie that, whilst I was not bored, I was not invested enough in the characters to care about the events unfolding.

So which one did I enjoy more? Well, you'll have to wait until the end of the year for my round up of my favourite comic book movies of the year.


* Acronym key: ASM = The Amazing Spider-Man; ASM2 = The Amazing Spider-Man 2; CA:TFA = Captain America: The First Avenger; CA:WS = Captain America: The Winter Soldier

** X:OFP = X-Men: Days of Futures Past

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